Monday, October 27, 2008

I had bought a cute headband for Addison to wear for Halloween, but she can't stand anything on her head. It's really me fault, I never put those silly little baby ones on her head when she was younger. I just don't like them that much, and she always had plenty of hair. But it did keep her busy for about a minute!


Kim said...

I'm not much of a headband/big bow person myself.

Addison looks adorable. I love her big blue eyes.

Amber said...

I just relized how tired she looks in these pictures. Poor little thing, no wonder she didn't want to wear the stupid headband.

Trisha said...

It's ok...Kristin never wore her headbands, or socks for that matter. And she turned out great! I guess Addison doesn't want to be told what to do or wear, that's all

Amber said...

Great, ANOTHER Trisha in the family!

Morgan Hagey said...

When did she get so big?????

Alissa said...

Addison is so cute! She's growing up SO fast...