Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Here are some pictures a friend took of Addison while babysitting. She apparently thought she was a dog that day. I love her bright eyes!


Suzanne said...

Okay...she is absolutely darling....he hair looks so light. How was the last day of work? Love, MOM

Karisa Tomkinson said...

She is getting so big and she is such a doll! I don't think I've got to even meet her yet! Is that even allowed? Boo... I'm so glad you post pics to keep us all updated though! Love you!

Kris & Amy said...

LOL! I love the tongue hanging out! So fun!!

Trisha said...

YEAH!!! You're officially a stay at home mom! Love the smiley picture. She is really cute!

Kim said...

Hi Cute Addison! I love that you were acting like a dog.