Friday, October 16, 2009

Trip Pictures

Ok, so my computer is magically working right at the moment and I thought I would take the opportunity to put up some pictures. We had a very easy, relatively speaking, trip. It was me, Addison and the cat who hates being in the car. There were a few melt downs around hours 8 and 12 in the car each day, but we all survived. Addison thought it was so much fun to have the cat in the car. He hid for most of it. My favorite part of the trip, besides being done with it, was not having to pull over to change a dirty diaper or get out the litter box. Just about every square inch was packed with stuff.

Cade and Addison have been getting along pretty well. they just both like to get their way. But one thing they have in common is the love of going pantsless. Cade tends to take off his underwear though, and the past few days Addison has started taking off her diaper. Just one of the many things he is bound to teach her.

Here is a potty picture. She has shown a lot of interest in it lately, but I wasn't ready to start until we got here.


Suzanne said...

Adorable pictures....can't believe that you made that trip alone!!

Love, MOM

the Provident Woman said...

Go Addison, get potty trained. Whoo Hoo!