Friday, October 23, 2009

Lemon Tree

Today I decided to trim my parents Lemon tree so that I could walk to the garden without having to duck or get attacked by branches.  I had forgotten how good the fresh wood of a citris tree smells.  I think  Iam going to add it to by list of favorites.  Anyway, there are a ton of little green lemons on it right now and my mouth is just watering for a month or 2 when they will be ready. 

Whenever I eat a lemon I think of Rachel and the huge tree that is in her parent's front yard.  We used to pick them and then eat them with salt.  It was always a great snack.  I still eat them that way.  So now I'm getting my salt shacker ready.  Any takers?


Unknown said...

That is SOOO funny! I remember your dad having a hard time every I came over with them, and we were only allowed to eat like 1. LOL, I should have listened!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the tree trimming.....can't wait to see that tree produce MOM

the Provident Woman said...

Sounds like a wonderful tree! I wish I could grow one here.

Oh, and I have a giveaway on my site. Click on the giveaway picture on the right.