Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A little bit of Peace

Got this at a garage sale for Addison, Popo thinks its his
The best of friends share everything, even a cardboard box
A big tub of oatmeal, a couple of bowls and measuring cups = hours of entertainment


Unknown said...

DUDE I love the idea of oatmeal! Maybe it'll work with Grant... Thanks for the call last week. See you in a few!!

Kim said...

You're such a creative mom. I love the oatmeal idea.

Addison is so pretty. She is going to twitterpate (however you spell that) all those boys with her beautiful blue eyes.

Alissa said...

Addison is so precious. I can't wait to see her :)

Suzanne said...

That oatmeal is a great day...can't wait to see her...MOM

the Provident Woman said...

Oatmeal to play with... Hmmm... I'll have to try this.