Monday, December 29, 2008


We had fun for Christmas. John's parents came over and had breakfast with us, and then watched Addison open her presents. Just an update on the snow thing, yeah, it was white for Christmas day, but the next it reached like 70 and all the snow melted and everything was slushy. It snowed again the next day!

I love her eyes in this shot

Having a tantrum before church

Just a crazy shot.


Trisha said...

Love the tantrum picture! I don't think I've ever seen her upset before!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the pictures...she is adorable. Love the tantrum shot and the eyes. Enjoy the snow. The lows here are about 60 and people have winter scarves on!! We love you. Dad and Mom

SARA said...


Karisa Tomkinson said...

She is getting so big! I love it! She is so beautiful!